The importance of education not only to be expressed through words and disyiarkan and jargon, but need to step in real life. Realization of the existence of element-element supporting the achievement of a claim against the importance of education must be carried out immediately. Policies in the education system must meet the elements of timeliness and efficient. The concept of lifelong education guidelines to be raised in the dignity of human beings with education, including people of Indonesia. The children of this nation should not be left behind with other nations in the world, therefore, since the early education should be put to them. Long Life Education, the phrase that we know since the beginning until now, especially for education observer. Lifelong education, meaning it is free from the sentence. The importance of education in life and human life has been to make it one of the basic human needs. Humans do not have that education is like being raganya just like humans. Some religious teachings also require human access to education at, and even said "tuntutlah knowledge from cradle to den lawout." More than that, now that the baby has been in his mother's womb able to interact with the strain calm voice outside the womb. One of the government's policy In the education that supports lifelong education is admitted early childhood care and education (ECCE). So that children not only recognize Indonesia's education at primary school, but was first built diPAUD is, as stated in Article 28 paragraph 1 of Law. 20 of 2003 on National Education System. ECCE work to build, to grow, and develop the potential of all young children in order to establish the optimal behavior and the ability accordance with the basic stage of its development to have the readiness to enter further education in order to achieve the goals of national education. One point is the implementation ECCE point non-formal education. ECCE point non-formal education is education that implement flexible learning and development efforts as the development of the child since birth until the age of six years through the Park Hotel Children, Group Play, and other forms of the same level. Children's Park Hotel next abbreviated landfill is one of the early childhood unit on the path to non-formal education in the social welfare program, a program of children, and education programs for children from birth until the age of six years. Other forms of the same level with the landfill and family planning, among other Play Park, Park Health Center, and Children's Education Park Sholeh (tapas), and early childhood program that is integrated with existing services, such as India, and BKB. Organizing non-formal early childhood of course have the meaning and benefits that are not small. A concept of education which is carried out largely by the community and is destined for children before the age of primary education, is a truly extraordinary. Therefore, efforts to encourage forms of non-formal early childhood should continue to focus all of us, especially the government. Distribution of education funds, which continue to move up in the Budget, should also touch this non-formal early childhood. Although this activity has been there a long time, but still must get serious attention so that the more developed. To stimulate more growth this non-formal early childhood development, will be better if the removal of the early childhood teachers be improved. During this, the management of non-formal early childhood was less than professional, especially on the coach or teacher, so it is required that teachers have the competence and certification as a non-formal early childhood teachers. Similarly, the public awareness of the existence of non-formal early childhood, must get support from the government that high. Limited government in the early childhood hold a formal kind of kindergarten and Raodatul Atfal, is certainly that the non-formal early childhood. In addition, the socialization of non-formal early childhood digiatkan must continue so that the people of Indonesia are not public with it. Drafts are the benefits of early childhood is no other more siapnya our children entering primary education (primary school). During this, it is felt the children who enter primary school without the ECCE in this kindergarten (TK), generally lagging performance. Nevertheless, almost no graph rise to the first children to enter kindergarten. This is what makes the non-formal early childhood become urgent. Kindergarten and Raudathul Atfal as a form of a formal early childhood is still very low, so most people do not enter their children in kindergarten or RA, some other people want their children to be built on an "educational institutions" that are not formally qualified to (non) before entering elementary school. Park Hotel and Children's Play Park are two forms of non-formal early childhood that is far from the formal atmosphere. Parents can be more creative in view the development of children through non-formal early childhood, especially if family-based early childhood can be realized with both. The effect is relaxed and flexible is a special characteristic of non-formal early childhood. Nevertheless, non-formal early childhood is not just a place dititip children by their parents or where children play alone. The development of a child toward the mastery of knowledge or skills remain the main goal, only "style" in achieving this, different. Play is one of the activities that dominate the non-formal early childhood. Play is an activity that someone made for fun, without considering the end results. There are parents who think that too many children who play will make children become lazy and stupid work. However, this is less so precise and wise, because some psychology experts say that the game is very big influence on the development of children's lives. It is this concept that continues to be developed so that the development of children's lives better. Children do not become oppressive, coward, minder, and evil. It is expected that children will become creative, intrepid, confident, and humble. Children who have been through early childhood, including non-formal early childhood certainly have a passion for high school to pursue higher. Presence non ECCE fill the void ECCE the formal opening of the community access to the children insert in early childhood before the primary, because it will be better if the establishment or ECCE Nonformal can be more evenly distributed in all areas of Indonesia, if every village can have Nonformal ECCE. Reasonable Basic Education 9 years, which was declared by the government will be more evident support can be achieved owing to non-formal early childhood. This is possible with the introduction of the increasing importance of early education and the breadth of network ECCE with non-formal early childhood as a form of nurturing introduction to the education community. The extent to find access to education since the early mengertinya and more people on the importance of education is the main indicator of the success of the more obvious fact pandas 9 years. Not too excessive, if we look Nonformal ECCE is the spirit or the spirit of the reason the success of Primary Education 9 years. |
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Rabu, 02 Juli 2008
education...formal and non formal
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Non-Formal Education in India
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