1. Mind
We are what we think, as an important principle for people who want to achieve success in life. Agus Sunario, experts Brain power (the power of the brain / mind) said that the way we think affects how we act and communicate. And the way we communicate and act will determine who our self and how much the results that we can achieve. Unfortunately, most people only use the power of a high 1-4%
In the wider context, the resurrection of a people to the changes that better life was also determined by the mind, exactly the resurrection of thought. Once the magnitude of the role of the mind (thoughts), Abdurrahman in the "Islamic Spiritual Politics" (1998) mentioned the principle act (qaidah 'amaliyah) consists of: [1]. Mabniyun 'ala al-fikri (dilandaskan up thoughts or awareness), [2]. Min ajli ghayatin mu'ayyanah (to achieve a certain goal), and [3]. Mabniyun 'ala al-faith (dilandaskan on faith). This is the typical style of thinking and action of a true Muslim entrepreneurship.
Think the power source is the early emergence of creative, innovative and alternative-an alternative that will distinguish our work with the other so that a unique and have a strong positioning.
2. Skilled
Rely on the power of thought alone is not enough to realize that good ideas into real, because senyatanya realization of the idea requires action. Meanwhile, an action will have the results to high when supported by the ability and expertise to adequate. The higher the skill of the person conducting the work, then the result will be more optimal.
Of course, these skills are berproses, in line with the development of the business. The large companies, will surely require a more complex managerial, therefore needed encouragement and motivation to develop themselves. As word of God:
"And, siapkanlah them strength to face what you sanggupi and from the horse that ditambat to war ..." [al-Anfal: 60]
3. Mental
The success of a person, was not merely the thoughts and wizardry skills, but also requires mental strength that will melecutkan potential to be a force extraordinary that. No less successful people (even most) are not higher education. Even only at the primary (elementary school). But that does not make them afraid to dream and strive dream become a reality.
In the research, Schiber said, that education to contribute as much as 15% on the success of someone. Moreover, 85% is the attitude (attitude).
For the entrepreneur Muslim attitudes that referred to a personality that is realized in the thinking pattern of Islamic (aqliyyah Islamiyyah) and the pattern of Islamic life (nafsiyyah Islamiyyah) also. But if there is a strange Muslim entrepreneur who bribed easy, lazy and rely on other than God, it's easy to surrender and despair, passive, not serious and no discipline and so forth, Allah encourages us to always optimistic and always do good.
".... The lombalah you (in a) good ..." [TQS. Al-Baqarah: 148, al-Maidah: 48].
Similarly, while we in trouble. We will always remember the words of Allah:
"Indeed, after that, there are difficulties ease." [TQS. Nature Nasyrah: 6]
4. Intuition
Features an entrepreneur / Entrepreneurs is the ability to see an opportunity. Rhenald Kasali (Business Management Specialist and changes from the UI) once said, the opportunity was too many and almost every time through the front of our eyes. Unfortunately, not all beautiful people. Only those who termotivasilah can see that even they sometimes create opportunities for many people (motivated people can see and also create the opportunity).
Of course, after the opportunities that we see, the next step is to work directly (action oriented) to the opportunities that can bear results and a blessing. Not only Omdo (hot only).
5. Be Team
In the end, after all the capital owned, good mind; skills; mental and intuition. So is finding and selecting the right team. Sehebat any capital that we have, but not supported by strong team work (teamwork), the results obtained will not be optimal. It may even fail!
The experience of my life from one leadership to the leadership of the other, from the success and failure that I said, that success can only be achieved if there is a good team work. Like a body. Team members are set to move the body and interact in a synergistic to achieve a goal (goal setting) of one. The destination is also one that will usually give a sense of the impact of the emergence (a sense of ownership) on every employee. And experience also says, to build a team with a respite to build communication open attitude based on mutual trust and sincerity, not the fabled and malingering is a good first step.
6. Learners
Wise people often say, life is a continuous learning process (Life is a learning process without stopping. WINARTO P. (2002) says, people stop learning, it's the same with the living dead. Most do not, intelektualitasnya has died. If we stop learning, we will become outdated goods and terlibas progress of the age.
In the current globalization. Activities enrich the knowledge is a requirement. Because of the speed changes so quickly, sometimes even exceed our ability to learn.
In Islam. Every Muslim is encouraged to always (even mandatory) and science, particularly Islamic sciences directly related to human life. Not only for worship rituals and knowledge. For example, only the problem of selling and buying. Mandatory for a Muslim to understand entrepreneurship in the laws relating to trading activity. Both activities like selling itself or goods or services that are traded. With that, but, labor, time, property, and the stream of sweat, we reach the facilities for a better life will be achieved. And more than that, blessing and the glory of Allah can also be achieved.
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