Card games like dominoes, one by one wrack large companies in the United States (U.S.) began in beruntun disclosed. Starting from the Enron scandal Co. case., Followed by cases which Xerox, WorldCom Inc.., And Merck. Some involve the role of public accountants who gave the assessment and the recommendations of the "big wedge of the pole" (do not reflect the actual information).
Due to lie to the public accountant should be independent-that-there was a distortion of stock prices in the exchange (Wall Street) that resulted in the loss. Conspiracy between the CEO (chief executive Officers), as the company manager, accountant and public opinion as to the condition of the company's financial health, has made the company a value higher than senyatanya. As a result, expectations for-profit company to be higher so the decision to buy the shares do not reflect the actual information.
Disgust of the shareholders (stockholders) keroposnya against the company, marked decrease interest to invest in the stock market. This is reflected in the decline of stock price index of 500 companies which entered the list of the Standard & Poor, which was 13.4 percent in the quarter II this year. This trend was followed by a decrease in the interest of foreign investors to infuse capital in the stock market in the U.S.. (Business Week, 15/7/02)
IN modern civilization, the activity does not pile up profits again made the owners of capital, but by the management company (the nation executive). They bear the burden and responsibility to optimize the benefits of the investment by the owners of capital. According to the Theory penggagas Agency (Jansen & Macling) and Transaction Cost Theory (Williamson) the relationship between the owners of capital (stockholders) and the executive always marked the permanent conflict of interest.
The basic assumption of this second theory, the executive manager of capital has the attitude opportunist. For that, there must be strong control of the owners of capital over the executive. Then there was a relationship that is konfliktual (asymmetric) between the principal (the owners of capital) and the agency (management company). The executive (CEO) always oriented to widen the scope of business (expansive policy), so there is a need to hold some of the profits (retained earning). Meanwhile, the owners of capital is an important benefit (dividend) as soon as possible, and there is no need to return the detained.
In connection with the owners of capital, the executive is always trying to convey positive information, so that they would continue to infuse capital, with the way the company is buying shares. Thus, the executive will be free to develop the company with fresh funds it. Philosophy is the expression of behavior of the CEO to berkonspirasi or bribe the public accountant.
According to some observers, this dilapidation indicating, not the fault lies more on financial market regulation, corporate policy platform or carelessness of the public accountant, but comes from the heart of modern business itself. Spirit (l'Esprit d'etat), modern business has experienced so without distortion paradigmanya update, the building of any kind will not be able to cope dilapidation yielded.
If ditilik from the history of development, from the birth of modern business atmosphere of gleaming industrial revolution which is to emphasize productivity and profitability of production. In the initial phase of development of this business, the name appears as Frederick Taylor (1859-1915) to understand Taylorism, Henry Ford (1863-1947) with Fordism, and Henri Fayol the year 1916 launched the theory of general principles of industrial administration. All emphasize the principles of rationalization and systematization system of organization and relationships antarmanusia. This is the classic theory of business.
The flow of thought that tries this is a classic paradigm for business relationships follow a course that humanity (humanistic) and individual behavior (behavioral). Tokohnya is Elton Mayo, Likert, Maslow, McGregor, and others. They started to give attention to the humanitarian aspect in the working world, but they are trapped on the premise that too on the behavior of the individual actors, so ignore the structural factors that are either in or outside the organization.
Understand that emerges is emphasizing the flow of external factors, which are known as the theory kontigensi (contigency theory). Essentially, the behavior of individual organizations in the company's only function of the external environmental situation. After that, various pop mashab business theory, understand from the (neo)-institutionalism, competence theory, the Resource-Based View of the firms, knowledge management, dynamic Capabilities, learning organization, and so forth.
In epistemologis, the theory can dipilah business into three parts. In the tradition of classical theory of business, which greatly affect the flow of positivism. Then start entering the influence of critical theory (critical theory), and thoughts of post-modernism. In the list of 10 "moment" the most influential version of The Economist (edition 25/12/93), appears the name of Jaques Derrida, a post-modernis philosophers. Any reason, thoughts of post-modernis have affected business practices and managerial behavior.
Recognized or not, and now science has become the arena of business epistemologis contention. Unfortunately, this is never practitioners is recognized even by academics who were oriented on technical matters. As the generation business, both practitioners and academics, they continue to be diligent in business, which materialistik, modernis, and positivistik.
Recently, the concept of the Balanced scorecard-dipopulerkan by Robert Kaplan and David Norton, is very popular among business practitioners and academics. According to some circles, this concept has been mengintroduksi a new paradigm in the business a little more influenced by the perspective of post-modernis. Balanced scorecard concept to understand the performance of the organization not only by the size of the financial course (tangible assets), but also the culture of performance and disseminate its ideology (intangible assets). Meanwhile, H Mintzberg thinking about "theoretical configuration organization" is considered the organization as a process of understanding strukturasi.
Practices of the business world is indeed accelerate much, and the more complicated it is not clear pangkalnya end. While the business through the merefleksikannya for academics have been working very staggering. Moreover, the business has been "rape" theory of business interests for practical, technical and berdimensi short course.
Click on the development of business this really exhausting. However, it will be far more exhausting if not from now starting to try to create a new bottle of wine for long. CALLING President Bush in the face of the business in return for good business ethics is one part of the moral imbauan in fact more ignored by the perpetrators of business, if there is no real punishment.
And the government actually did not care if you do not get the "punishment" of the community with the action does not invest capital in the stock market. So more important is to encourage people to be critical and have the courage to "punish" the perpetrators of the behavior of each business deviating from the rules that good.
So this is the time for business socializing theory that not only serve the interests of the business, but moves in the public interest. In this case, science is not business knowledge berdimensi the only practical and technical, but also emansipatoris. This means that science is not only exploit business people, but also lead to.
Source (KOMPAS, 25 July 2002)
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