Business organizations subject to the theory of the business consists of: the environment, mission statement, core competencies and (Peter Drucker).
Environmental organizations are broad environmental (economic, political, technological, and social), the environment or the environmental industry competition, according to M. Porter is a competitor, substitute goods, suppliers and buyers; while the environment is the internal functions of the organization (marketing, operations, financial , Tbsp, the R & D, re-engineering).
Mission and Vision Statements
Goals and objectives are often summarized in a mission statement or a broader vision. A vision statement describes the map to where you want to be the future. He describes how you see events in 10 or 20 years will come if all things go as you would expect. A mission statement and vision statement is the same, except the mission statement is closer. He was expanding on what you want to do now to reach your destination. Whether the mission brief statement Ford "Quality is job number one." But most of the more detailed mission statement, which often describe what will be done, to whom, and why. Bill Gates has a simple mission: "A personal computer on every desk, and each computer using the Microsoft software."
According to the results of research Jones and Kahaner (1999), the manager more than the mission statement of any other tool, because it is possible to make a difference in whether a company's success or failure.
The company's mission statement is sometimes called the statement of values, creed, or principles of pembimbimg light as the company's financial companies are ethical and operational. He was not a motto or slogan, he explain the purpose, goals, behavior, culture, strategy and the company also exceeds any other document. Statement by the mission can quickly tell how the company can act.
Mission statement is not only a concept and philosophy that is designed, but the thought of the idea and cooked carefully. With demikain mission statement can help companies reach and exceed their financial goals, treat their employees well, exempt the company from the crisis, and mermperlihatkan to the outside of the right to do. Mission statement can be compared as a road map for the road.
In the 1980s, according to the results of research Jones and Kahaner (1999:7) many companies to write or rewrite their mission statement with the re-engineering, perampingan, in a fundamental restructuring. They need to overcome falasafah new business climate that continually change, which includes awareness of the diversity of culture, pemeberdayaan workers, globalization, the waitress environment, total quality, teamwork, and the emphasis on the customer. Mission statement is used as a tool "to acquire the team," and imposed the culture or the behavior of the company.
Some examples of the company's mission statement, for example:
- AT & T: Flavored respect for the individual, dedication to helping customers, standard high integrity, innovation, teamwork.
- Boeing - long-term mission, a space flight company number one in the world's major industrial companies in quality, the ability to obtain benefits, danpertumbuhan.
Core competency is something that the organization can do well and meet the three conditions specified by Hamel and Prahalad (1990): guarantee of benefits for customers, difficult to be imitated by competitors-competitors secaras can purchase many products and the broad market. Core competency can take several forms: technical knowledge, process reliability, associated closely with customers and suppliers. It also includes product development, and cultural organizations such as employee dedication. Theory suggests that modern business activities are not part of competency is done by outsourcing. If a core competency generate long-term benefits for the company, then called this a sustainable competitive advantage.
Environmental organizations, both lingkangan broad, competitive environment, and internal factors change. These changes are often happens with instantaneous and sometimes difficult to be predicted before .. To maintain a core competency, when the environment changes, then the mission statement must be adjusted to the change.
However, the success of the organization often make the owner or management company to become blind, so it can no longer see a form of a truth that the organization needs to be met. The location of the beginning of bankruptcy a good business organizations, and non-business as educational institutions, hospitals, and other organizations.
Indeed, an irony that generally occur in the organization or company in Indonesia, the bankruptcy occurred shortly after enjoying a successful shortly.
The prescription is follow the laws of business that is based on the theory of business; terapkanlah: transformational leadership, which provide the inspiration and melibatkannya employees in the mission; transcedental leadership, which contains elements of the spiritual, so if the company becomes rich does not change a piker (griping); and quite teach leadership and give autonomy to the employees to be innovative and creative; leave transactional leadership on the base command.
Burning Questions - The FeedBurner Weblog
Minggu, 11 Mei 2008
business and the disintegration of the organization
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